Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So. The D&C... from two weeks ago lol...

It was a cake walk really. I had very minimal pain after. The worst part was the nasty taste in my mouth from the anesthesia. I was so thirsty but everything tasted awful. The surgery center where I got it done was full of nice people and they made the whole thing very easy from the time I walked in to the time I walked out.

My doctor did mention that when he was in there it appeared that my uterus had a funny shape so he definitely wants me to get an HSG, which is fine by me. I'll take the extra fertile months following. Plus this whole d&c made me hit my insurance deductible so it should be mostly covered. He's pretty good about billing things in a way that insurance covers it. I didn't have to pay a dime for my trans vaginal ultrasound. The last time I had to get one I had to pay something like $150, so that was a pleasant surprise.

 The hardest part now is the wait to BD again. tick tock tick tock... only  8 more days. I'm really glad to not be bleeding anymore though. TMI much?: I have taken to not wearing underpants just because I can!! lol

Up next: Things I'm thankful for.


  1. I wouldn't wear them for a month "just because I could"! I'm so glad you're feeling better ♥

  2. <3 They're back on now lol, Dh has been handsy lately and I need a chastity belt... three weeks is a long time
