Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tick tock biological clock

I’m 25, in two weeks I will be 26(April 1st!). Certainly not too old to start a family but why do I feel like the time is slipping away? I see people all over starting their families at 30, 35 or older and I never question their age, so why am I questioning my age and viability to be a mother at not even 26? Perhaps it’s not just my age I’m worried about: my husband is 31. Is he getting to old to have children? If I conceive today (not likely) I will be 31 on her first day of kindergarten and he will be 37. Or when hypothetical baby graduates I will be 44 and my husband will be fifty!  I suppose I’m just scared that I won’t have enough energy to be a good mother to any potential offspring or scared that I will be the “Are you Mama or Gramma?” lady if I don’t get on this conception thing soon. I’m already going quite gray so it won’t be much of a stretch for that question to come up. (Thank you Native American heritage!)

I could be worse off though. I’m lucky not to be constantly surrounded by pregnant women. None of my friends are even considering trying to conceive any time soon, or ever in some cases so I’m not surrounded by people who are having “Oopsies” or tried for just a month and got knocked up. Rationally, I know I shouldn’t be worried about my age, but I’m having a hard time  convincing the irrational worry to go away.

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